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Theworld’s best
online IQ test.

The RIOT is a rigorously developed, professional IQ test & platform for psychologists, researchers, clinicians, institutions, and curious individuals who want to learn about themselves.

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Verbal Reasoning

Fluid Reasoning

Spatial Ability

Working Memory

Processing Speed

About the RIOT

The RIOT test is built on over a century of intelligence research, adhering to psychometric standards and rigorous statistical norming procedures.

Introducing the RIOT

The Reasoning and Intelligence Online Test (RIOT) is an IQ test for adults (18+). It features 15 subtests across five cognitive indices and is administered through a custom-built online platform. Designed for efficiency, the test can be completed in 60 minutes or less.

History of IQ Testing

Francis Galton attempted to measure intelligence at the Anthropometric Laboratory in London.


Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon developed the first successful intelligence scale.


William Stern introduced the original IQ formula.


Lewis Terman published the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.


The U.S. Army used the Army Alpha and Beta Tests during WWI for large-scale intelligence testing.


David Wechsler created the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale, which later became the WAIS.


The first Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) was published.


Researchers began investigating potential bias in IQ testing.


James Flynn identified the Flynn Effect, demonstrating increasing IQ scores over time.


Richard J. Haier pioneered research on intelligence, linking IQ to brain function.


The Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory became a leading model of cognitive abilities.


The International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) was founded.


The WAIS-IV, an updated version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, was released.


RIOT Launch – Built on over a century of IQ research, the RIOT test combines modern computerized testing with scientifically validated intelligence assessment.

Test manual cover
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Developed by Experts

Meet the team behind the Reasoning and Intelligence Online Test (RIOT).

Russell T. Warne
Russell T. Warne, PhD

Chief Scientist

About Dr. Russell T. Warne

Dr. Russell T. Warne is a distinguished educational psychology scholar specializing in research, measurement, and statistics. He earned his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University and spent over a decade as a faculty member at Utah Valley University.

Dr. Warne's research on human intelligence and giftedness is widely recognized. He has published numerous articles in esteemed journals such as Psychological Bulletin and Intelligence. He is also the author of In the Know: Debunking 35 Myths About Human Intelligence, published by Cambridge University Press in 2020.

As a member of the International Society for Intelligence Research and the editorial board of Intelligence, Dr. Warne actively contributes to advancing the field. He has received awards from prestigious organizations, including the MENSA Foundation and the National Association for Gifted Children.

With his expertise and dedication to scholarship, Dr. Warne continues to shape the discourse and understanding of intelligence research, making significant contributions to the field.

Russell's articles & journals

Factor structure of intelligence and divergent thinking subtests: A registered report

The relationship between Advanced Placement mathematics courses and students

Possible economic benefits of full-grade acceleration

Research on the academic benefits of the Advanced Placement program

Spearman's g Found in 31 Non-Western Nations: Strong Evidence That g Is a Universal Phenomenon

Five Reasons to Put the g Back Into Giftedness: An Argument for Applying the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory of Intelligence to Gifted Education Research and Practice

Low base rates and a high IQ selection threshold prevented Terman from identifying future Nobelists

Russell's books
Intelligence coverSchool Psychology coverGifted Child coverJournal of psyhoeducational assessment coverIn the know coverEducation of the gifted cover
Sensitivity Panel

Reviewed by a Diverse Expert Panel to Remove Bias


At RIOT, we believe IQ testing should be fair, inclusive, and free from bias.

Every question in the RIOT IQ Test undergoes a rigorous sensitivity review by an independent panel of experts, including cognitive, educational, and school psychologists. These specialists carefully examine each item to identify and remove potentially biased, distracting, or inappropriate content.

If a concern is flagged, the item is either revised or removed to maintain fairness and accuracy. This comprehensive review process reinforces our commitment to delivering an equitable, scientifically valid assessment for all test-takers.

Sensitivity Panel Participants

Dr. Craig L. Frisby
Dr. Craig L. Frisby
Dr. Craig L. Frisby

University of Missouri

The RIOT test is a new comprehensive multi-subtest intelligence battery that includes innovative item types, some of which are not found in a wide variety of contemporary general mental ability tests. The RIOT battery includes a wide variety of both verbal and nonverbal content that test users would undoubtedly find interesting, fun, challenging, and imaginative.

Dr. Maria Lazo
Dr. Maria Lazo
Dr. Maria Lazo

Southwestern University

The testing of this instrument was rigorous and included a transparent development process that points to the expertise involved in all stages. The thoughtfully constructed test items reflect careful attention to detail, making this a robust tool for measuring intelligence with precision and fairness.

Joyce Juntune
Joyce Juntune
Joyce Juntune

Texas A&M University

The Reasoning and Intelligence Online Test (RIOT) is built on a solid understanding of intelligence. By integrating diverse verbal and nonverbal tasks, it accurately assesses an individual's reasoning, problem-solving, abstract thinking, and advanced cognitive abilities. Its online accessibility makes it a valuable tool for professionals who require this information for informed decision-making.

Dr. Dante Dixson
Dr. Dante Dixson

Michigan State University

Dr. Jessica C. Hill
Dr. Jessica C. Hill

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Jonathan Wai
Dr. Jonathan Wai

University of Arkansas

Dr. Frank C. Worrell
Dr. Frank C. Worrell

University of California

More Than an IQ Test

What's Included with Each IQ Test

Your analysis depends on your chosen test, but the full RIOT test includes all of the features below.

Compare to Others

IQ score & comparisons

After completing the RIOT test, examinees receive an IQ score (with a margin of error) and an interpretation that compares their results to those of other RIOT test-takers and a representative sample of examinees.

Learn more about how IQ is measured in our Chief Scientist's article: How to Calculate IQ.

Compare to Others
Cognitive Abilities

Breakdown of 5 Cognitive Abilities

Your results will include a detailed breakdown of five key cognitive abilities, often referred to as indexes or factors in scientific terms. The abilities measured are Verbal Reasoning, Fluid Reasoning, Spatial Ability, Working Memory, and Processing Speed.

Cognitive Abilities

15 Subtest T-scores

In addition to your IQ score, you'll receive T-scores for each of the 15 subtests. These standardized scores offer a detailed view of your cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

Conducting Studies

Use RIOT in your research or clinical work

We offer a free online platform for psychologists, researchers, clinicians, and institutions to administer the RIOT.

Learn more
Conducting Studies
Tests and Pricing

Explore the RIOT Tests

All RIOT versions are normed on US-born, native English speakers aged 18 and older.

Basic Test
3 subtests
A quick assessment providing an approximate IQ score with a higher margin of error.

~10 Minutes

IQ Score

Cognitive abilities breakdown

Routing tests

±5.6 IQ margin of error

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3/15 subtestsVocabulary, Matrix Reasoning, Object Rotation subtests
Enhanced Test
5 subtests + all cognitive abilities
An accurate IQ estimate that offers deeper insights than the Basic Test.

~24 Minutes

IQ Score

Cognitive abilities breakdown

Routing tests

±4.3 IQ margin of error

Learn more

5/15 subtestsVocabulary, Matrix Reasoning, Object Rotation, Computation Span, Symbol Search subtests
Full Test
15 subtests + all cognitive abilities
The complete RIOT test with a comprehensive IQ analysis and the highest accuracy.

~67 Minutes

IQ Score

Cognitive abilities breakdown

Routing tests

±2.4 IQ margin of error

Learn more

15/15 subtestsAll subtests
À La Carte
Custom subtests
Customize your testing experience by selecting specific cognitive abilities to assess.

Up to 67 Minutes


Cognitive abilities breakdown

Routing tests

Up to ±2.4 IQ margin of error

Learn more

Custom subtestsChoose your subtests à la carte

Need help choosing a test?

See our detailed overview.

Detailed overview

Still have questions?

Learn more about intelligence research and testing.

What is intelligence?

Intelligence is the ability to learn, understand, reason, and apply knowledge to solve problems. It includes a range of cognitive abilities such as memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and adapting to new situations.

What is an IQ test?

An IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test is a standardized assessment that measures cognitive abilities relative to others. Scores are based on comparisons to a normed sample, with 100 as the average score.

What does an IQ score mean?

An IQ score indicates how your cognitive abilities compare to the general population. A score of 100 is average, while higher or lower scores reflect above-average or below-average cognitive functioning, respectively.

What are the main cognitive abilities measured by IQ tests?

IQ tests typically assess:

  • Verbal reasoning - Understanding and analyzing language-based information.

  • Spatial ability – Visualizing and manipulating objects in space.

  • Fluid reasoning – Solving novel problems using logic and reasoning.

  • Working memory – Holding and processing information in short-term memory.

  • Processing speed – Quickly and accurately handling simple information.

What is the history of IQ testing?

IQ testing began in 1905 with the Binet-Simon Scale, developed to assess children's intelligence. Since then, tests like the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales have evolved to provide more comprehensive assessments.

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